Sing for Your Soul!
The Threshold Choir Gathering of the mid-Atlantic states was held in Pittsburgh this past weekend. I attended as a choir member and teacher and gave my vocal workshop to an amazing number of women in a beautiful setting. My passion for fun, frolic, laughter and song bubbled over as we hissed, "motorboated" and yawned together in song. As I demonstrated how to breathe and sing from the core, I saw the proverbial light bulbs going on all over the room! Long time students of Voice and those with no training at all understood at a physical level why their voices did not sound or feel the way they wanted them to consistently. In just a few exercises, the connection between the waistline, the breath and tone production was embodied by every body! A warmth and a fullness arose from each voice as we added more breath and opened our throats. The shift of sound was tangible! We sang softer yet stronger. We blended better instantly! Our awareness increased as we breathed together ever more deeply. There were plenty of questions answered and “Ah ha” moments as we practiced. Singing from my center puts me into my body and out of my mind. What a lovely place from which to sing! It truly requires of me NOT to think about singing but to experience singing. And while we “expanded time”, (three hours of Sing for your Soul material delivered in an hour and a half) some participants were still a little befuddled. But because they did experience some success and acquired some understanding, they followed up with more of my training for later! I am more and more convinced that Sing For Your Soul is my purpose on the planet - to remind everybody how good it feels to sing and to be sung to - to free every voice to be able to sing to our loved ones in crisis and in celebration. Singing shifts everything!
AuthorNew Thought Advocate and well-known musician and workshop facilitator, Lauren Lane Powell, discovered she had Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer in the prime of her life. She offers wisdom gained from a lifetime of learning to live in love. Categories
August 2018
review"We met on www.blogtalkradio.com/ ggmradio, on my show Namaste Nutrition. Lauren,you are such a wonderful inspiration, and to this day remain one of my favorite radio guests. Your magic, ethereal beauty, and journey was such an inspiration to me and to my audience."
-- Host of radio show “Namaste Nutrition” |
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